The Next Big Clean Up!

  Exciting news: The next big clean-up at Lakeside Station and Orient Road, between the Station and Uxbridge is scheduled to continue on Saturday 27 August. Save the date, book your friends and family to assist and let’s get our community ready for Spring! Residents and those helping out, we are going to need as many decent powerful chainsaws with …


Admin Update: 26 July 2016 The heavens opened up causing a few problems around Lakeside… but LCW members were out to assist. The Uxbridge train crossing signal was faulty which was both very dangerous and causing severe traffic delays. A pic from last night of LCW and LCW SRT Manning the Uxbridge train track crossing. The crossing was manned from …

Incident Report

Admin: 26 July 2016 Attempted break in at Bromyard Rd Zandvlei around 9am. Crowbar gang parked in driveway and broke security gate alarm did not deter. Owner shouted and they drove off. SAPS assisted- 4 x well dressed males in a white golf or mazda was all the residents could get. *Please could all residents keep an eye out for …