Incident Report 19 May 2017 – Kirstenhof

Yet again…….more reasons, for more cameras and more people to offer their services as patrollers. The following extract happened last night to a KCW member. Thank goodness their family was not harmed… could have been tragic!!!

“At one point or another crime hits us all. At 4am this morning some low life criminal decided to invade my house, my security and safety and my peace of mind.
My 3 year old was asleep in his bed and thankfully blissfully unaware when a man decided to jump an electrified fence, then my wall, and then pick up the biggest heaviest thing he could find and smash my glass door to gain access into my house!!
I’m normally a calm person, but my family was put in danger.
Did i do my hour patrol? YES !
As the newly elected secretary of KCW, I deal with incidents daily. This break in is most certainly not the worst to be reported, but to the community that I love and work very hard to protect in my own way I ask that we all come together and keep the crime out of our neighbourhood.
We can fight back (non violently of course). We need to step up patrols, and I hope to see you all out there doing at least a 1 hour slot. Every hour not previously covered will make a huge difference going into the future and will improve our safety. Have a wonderful day.”

End result…………”I stayed behind doors but watched as the suspect as well as another CM who was standing on the bridge( I assume he was keeping an eye out for the other suspect ) ran towards Westlake.
Control was informed of the incident and Premier Security as well as two patrollers checked the area.
This was a very brazen crime as the security complex has high walls and electric fencing”.