You’ve thought about it and you have decided you want to give back to the community by becoming a patroller. LCW loves like minded people like you! What do you do?

Step 1

  • Download the application form here. >Download Application<
  • Follow the instructions on the form and ensure that you submit all the required documents to the WCSS offices during business hours (corner Main & Station rd) or via post before the end of a month and then leave the rest to us.
  • Note! You don’t have to send hardcopy photos with your application. You can email or whatsapp us a Passport quality selfie to or one of the team!

Step 2

  • Once all the documents are received they are processed by the hardworking team at LCW. Missing documents create a delay as submissions only happen at the beginning of every month so make sure you have everything.  Processing involves submitting your details to SAPS for clearance. (Note anyone with a prior conviction relating to drugs, drunk driving or violence will not pass this process.)
  • By the third week of the month SAPS notify LCW of successful applicants and in turn the LCW team lets you know.

Step 3 – Rookies

  • Successful applicants are welcomed to the Rookie Whatsapp group and are advised of a patrollers meeting on the last Tuesday of every month. These meetings are where Rookies can meet the other patrollers as well as get some great additional training.
  • Cards, Lima numbers (patroller number) and patroller manuals are delivered to each successful applicant by hand. We want you to feel welcome as part of the LCW Team.
  • Successful Applicants are now rookie patrollers and they need to arrange a time with experienced patrollers on the Rookie group for training to take place. This means an experienced patroller will post when he’s going on patrol and if you are able ask him/her to join for some training. Simple as that!
  • The Rookie Group is also a place where if you have any questions, ask away!

Step 4 – Patrollers

  • Once the rookie is feeling confident on what’s involved and knows how to do everything they get moved to the patrollers group and are officially a LCW patroller. It is at this stage that they are added onto the Zello group where they can radio others while on patrol too.

If at any point along the route you have any questions or concerns please ask on the whatsapp groups or contact us >here<. We have a whole team ready and waiting to help you.


Although there is no cost to become a patroller or join the LCW team, there are a few essential items you may need to get along the way.

Patrollers are required to have decals and lights for cars if doing car patrols. All cars must be identified, by law, as a patroller whilst on patrol. LCW visibility vests should be worn with the patrollers card for identity purposes when doing foot or car patrols.

It also helps to have a decent torch with you if you plan to do any night time patrols. However worry not, you don’t need to get everything upfront. For new patrollers its great to buddy up with another seasoned patroller who has lights & decals for the first while. You only need Decals and lights if you want to go in your own vehicle.

  • Decals-                                                 R 250
  • Lights –                                                 R 200
  • LCW branded Visibility vests –     R 180

We are constantly on the search for the most affordable deals for LCW members so ask in the patrollers/rookies group about latest prices or loan sets.

Thats it! We look forward to having you part of the team making Lakeside a better, safer community.