Whats the story?
- For a long time residents have been asking about recycling programs for both Orchard Village and Lakeside. There has been lots of work behind the scenes but we, with the hard work from residents of Orchard Village and Lakeside, have set up a weekly collection point where unsorted recycling can be dropped off for collection.
Where and when?
You can drop off your recycling goods only on Thursday mornings between 7h00 -9h00. The drop off point is the parking lot of the Mountain View Baptist Church (corner Main rd & Boyes Drive) who have very kindly allowed us to use this spot.
- Best of all it costs you NOTHING!
However we do ask a few things: - Please recycling goods only. If you unsure please check the cheat sheet on the top of the page
- Please only recycle clean goods i.e. please do not leave food or waste in any bottles or containers. We understand restrictive water usage but the provider is taking our recycling away at no cost so lets help them out.
- Recycling is only on thursday morning until 9am. Please don’t leave recycling in the parking lot any other times. Not only will it attract vagrants and litter to the area but the Church is graciously allowing us to use their parking area and we don’t want to cause a mess for them.
** if you have any more questions or would like more info please email us, check out the LCW Facebook page or join the LCW recycling whatsapp group**
Thank you Lakeside for helping us even more with recycling!